Hello there plucky internet user, this is my blog!

I am a junior developer working in London, UK with experience in Ruby, JavaScript and Python. This blog is very much in the spirit of personal/professional development insofar as many people, both older and wiser than I, preach the importance of deliberate and consistent application of oneself cough Cal Newport.

More about me, I’m very new to the world of development but have throughly enjoyed my experiences so far. I have gone through the increasing popular route of not majoring in computer science and instead going through a bootcamp at the start of this year. London is a very vibrant and exciting place to work as a developer, with a bustling startup scene and numerous meetups to boot.

If this blog has left you wanting more from yours truly, I tweet – or more accurately retweet, details, details – a fair bit as well as all the usual razzamatazz, see sidebar.

I hope to use this blog to write about technologies or techniques be they practical or more theoretical (not a CompSci major). Hopefully you too will be able to profit from this journey, so let’s get started!


Tom Martin

Data scientist, London, UK